Grieving the loss of a loved one is most likely one of the most challenging things you will ever have to experience. While grieving is normal and a needed way to let our minds process everything that has happened and try to make sense of it all, it can feel overwhelming at the time. Directors of funeral homes in Columbia, TN . understand this and want you to know that is important to take steps so that you can work though your grief in the healthiest way possible. Here are a few of those steps.
Grief has many stages and you will most likely experience them all. The major stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. You may move through the stages quickly, all in order, or skip around and stay in one stage longer than another. Know that it is okay. Whatever you are feeling at the time is what you need to be feeling. Know that your feelings are valid, acknowledge them, accept them, and then you can begin to work through them.
It can be extremely easy when we are grieving to not want to be around the company of others. Because of this it can be very easy to become isolated quickly and not even really realize it. While it may do some good to be by yourself a little bit to help heal, you want to make sure to keep that connection with your friend and family. Make time to meet them for lunch or allow them to come over and help you make dinner. Whatever it is, just make sure to keep people in your life and around you.
This is a tough one as self-care if most likely the last thing on your mind when you are grieving, It may seem unfathomable to focus on your or your health at this time. However, it is crucial you do so. Grieving is hard.. It’s hard mentally and it’s hard physically. It can throw your whole world off balance and you need to counteract that with keeping yourself healthy.
To do so make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals and staying away from alcoholic drinks. Also, make time to do things for your soul such as meet up with friends for lunch, meditate, take a yoga class, hike in nature, or simply sit and watch sunset.
The last little tip is to make sure you are not comparing your journey with grief to others. In this day and age it seems we compare ourselves and our lives with others more and more. This is never a good practice especially when it comes to judging how you should be handling your grief.
As we talked about before, there are many stages to grief and everyone goes through them differently. Don’t worry if someone seems to be able to get through it faster than you; this is your journey and your journey alone.
If you would like more information on how to handle grief, funeral homes in Columbia, TN . are available to help. Call or come by anytime and let us help you with additional resources such as support groups, counselors, and more.
Since 1935, our funeral home family has been serving the people of Columbia and surrounding areas during their most difficult moments.